8/8 CEO 8/6 Facebook Deletes Post


8/6/23 I posted this picture on my Facebook page with the caption "New Sign. Got them  Joizexit9.blogspot.com " After posted, I clicked on my blog link. Facebook gave message that link does not meet "community standards" Then a series of messages deleting my post. I await rape retribution again.


8/8/23 email sent to Belfast CEO Steve Wison

My signs and sites are for information only and comply. Per USPS cited below, my signs do not interfere with pick-up or delivery. 
All my signs and placement of are in compliance. 

Can I decorate my mailbox post?
The United States Postal Service (USPS) permits mailbox decoration so long as your creative flights of fancy don't interfere with mail delivery or pick-up. That said, this only applies if you have a full-use mailbox with a flag that indicates when there's outgoing mail.
If you are not accepting donations or selling products or services from any of these sites and they provide information only then I believe this is free speech, however I believe the mailbox and anything attached to it  are under the post office regulations so I recommend checking with them also.


Stephen Wilson

CEO, LPI, Building Official

City of Belfast


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